Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) PTSD is a critical incident that can be defined as any event with a stressful impact -- sufficient enough to overwhelm the usually effective coping skills of an individual. Critical incidents are abrupt,...
Read More ›Keeping up with changes and maintaining our skill proficiency can be challenging. I am sure many of you are just like me and have struggled to find time to read an article, attend a class or even practice a skill but the daily grind gets in the way....
Read More ›Are you looking to advance your career? Looking for a change of careers? Worried you can't afford it? Did you know the average American aged 18-34 is spending approximately $25 per week on coffee and similar drinks.1 That’s an incredible $100+...
Read More ›A million things have happened to you today. You make small talk while waiting in line. You smile as you open a door for a girl walking four dogs. You sit quietly at the café as you people watch. Come tomorrow, you’ll remember almost none of them...
Read More ›As many of us already know, heart disease is a leading cause of death in the United States. According to the American Heart Association, a whopping 99% of Americans need to change their heart health but 72% don’t even think they’re at risk...
Read More ›Since the inception of EMTs the big emphasis during the training has always been largely on caring for the physical needs of the patient and a little on the patient’s psychological needs. We work diligently on perfecting our patient...
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